Tana Toraja is the mainstay of tourism in South Sulawesi

Tana Toraja is the mainstay of tourism in South Sulawesi

Tongkonan - Tanah Toraja
Tongkonan - Tanah Toraja
Just like komodo island, Indonesia Also have one ofe the famous tourism Mainstay It is Tanah Toraja. Tanah Toraja is a famous tourist attraction with its cultural richness. District that is located about 350 km north of Makassar is very popular with their customary form of house building. This custom home was named Tongkonan. The roof is made of split bamboo and arranged piles, but now many are using zinc. Tongkonan also has a corresponding degree of nobility strata strata of society such as gold, bronze, iron and brass.

Because so attached, Tanah Toraja by, the building houses these ancestral lands, as a form of tourism promotion and to attract Japanese tourists to this area, the traditional houses were built in the country "rising sun" is. The building itself is done by the Toraja and brought tourism entrepreneurs to negari sakura. Now in Japan, there have been two Tongkonan Tongkonan very similar to the original. The presence of Tongkonan always amaze people of the country because of its unique. The difference with those in Tanah Toraja is located on the roof only using bamboo.
Rambusulo- Tanah Toraja
Rambusulo- Tanah Toraja
There are many other attraction of Tanah Toraja in addition to traditional ceremonies "rambusolo" (funeral), which is famous for this. Call it baby graves in the trees Tarra, in Kampung Kambira, Sangalla District, about 20 kilometers from Rante Pao, who prepared for the body of a baby aged 0-7 years.

Although burying the baby in the tree Tarra was not repeated since the last decades, but the tree where the "bury" dead baby was still upright and much visited by tourists. On top of fruit trees like breadfruit are commonly used as a vegetable by the local population with a circle around the tree trunk 3.5 meters, saved dozens of dead babies.

Before the body is inserted into the tree trunk, the tree was first drilled and then placed into a dead baby. then, covered with a black palm tree fibers. After decades, the baby's body will blend with the tree. This is an attraction for the travelers and to Tanah Toraja society still considers sacred place like a newborn child.

grave stone - tana toraja
grave stone - tana toraja
Placement of the baby's body on the tree is well adapted to the social strata of society. The higher the degree of social family then the higher the place the baby was buried in the Tarra trunk. In fact, infants who die is placed in the direction of the bereaved family residences. If the house is in the western part of the tree, then the child's body will be laid to the west.

To reach this amazing Tanah Toraja there domestic airlines Makassar - Toraja Land is now only once a week and wear a small aircraft with a payload of eight people, which takes 45 minutes from the airport Makassar Hasanuddin. If by land, which is quite tiring journey takes between seven and ten hours.

Interesting event in this tourist area that is the burial ceremony (solo signs) and signs tuka (shower) which is a fixed calendar every year. In addition to these events, the visitors get a close look at other interesting cultural sights such as the storage of dead bodies in the storage form of "container" giant size with a width of 3 meters and a height of 10 meters and tongkonan 600-year-old in Londa, RantePao.

Exoticism "Raja Ampat" The Underwater paradise

Raja Ampat, Papua
Exoticism "Raja Ampat" The Underwater paradise - Raja Ampat is the fraction of Sorong regency, since 2003. District has a population of 31 000 inhabitants has 610 islands (only 35 islands are inhabited) with a total area of ​​46,000 km2. The islands are unspoiled and beautiful sea is still making direct tourists hooked. They seemed to want to explore the waters of the "Bird's Head" Papua Island.

This area could be targeted reef fish poachers by way of bomb and spread the poison cyanide. but, there are still many people who seek to protect, so that the region's marine wealth could be saved. Coral reefs in the sea Raja Ampat is the most comprehensive in the world. Of the world's 537 coral species, 75 percent were in these waters. Also found 1104 species of fish, 669 species of molluscs (soft animals), and 537 species of coral animals. Extraordinary

The World Bank in collaboration with global environmental institutions set Raja Ampat as one of the regions in East Indonesia Coral Reef Rehabilitation assistance and Management Program (Coremap) II, since 2005. In Raja Ampat, this program covers 17 villages and involve the local population. Fishermen are also trained to cultivate grouper and seaweed.

Exoticism "Raja Ampat"

Papua Diving, the only exotic resort that offers underwater tours in the region, visited by tourists diving enthusiasts, for days and even up to a month to wade through the contours of the seabed.They seemed to not want to go back to their own countries because they get an "island paradise of this earth".

Papua Diving
Lodging is very simple, just walls and a roof of woven palm leaves that cost a minimum of 75 euros a night. If you want to dive, you have to pay 30 euro was diving at a particular location. Most tourists come from Europe. Tourists come in Raja Ampat, just wanted to Papua Diving Mansuar Island, because, facilities, waiters and food are of international standard. They landed at the airport Domne Eduard Osok, Sorong, directly to the location by using a speed boat with a capacity of about 10 people at a rate of Rp 3.2 million each way. It takes about 3-4 hours to reach Mansuar.

Like the other islands, Mansuar looks beautiful, because the forests are still awake and the seawater was clean, so the marine life which is not far from the surface can be seen clearly. Tourists simply swim or snorkel to see the beauty of the sea, whereas if you want to directly observe the beauty of marine life at depth, they should dive.

Komodo Island, Indonesia Tourism Mainstay

Komodo Island, Indonesia Tourism Mainstay -  Komodo Island is an island located in the Nusa Tenggara islands. Komodo Island is known as a native habitat Of Komodo. The island is also the Komodo National Park, managed by the Central Government. Komodo Island is located east of the island of Sumbawa, separated by Sape Strait.

On the Komodo island, this Animals live and breed well. Until August 2009, on this island there are an estimated 1300 komodo. Coupled with the other islands, such as the Rinca island, Gili island and Motang island, their number totaled about 2500.

In addition, the island also holds a variety of exotic flora such as wood Sepang by the local people used as drugs and dyes for clothing, tree nitak or commonly known as Sterculia oblongata believed to be useful as medicines and seeds are tasty and delicious like peas. Komodo Island is also accepted as a UNESCO World Heritage Site,

In 1910 the Dutch named the island by the name of the island of Komodo. This story begins with Lieutenant Steyn van Hens Broek, he tries to prove statements of Dutch troops about the existence of a large animal like a dragon on the island. Steyn then kill a dragon and bring documentation to the Museum and Botanical Garden in Bogor for research.

In 2009, the Park has been named a finalist "New Seven Wonders of Nature" newly published in 2010 by online voting at www.N7W.com. then On 11 November 2011, the New 7 Wonders has announced the winners while, and, Komodo National Park is entered into the ranks of winners

Environment in Indonesia

Environment in Indonesia

Beside Indonesia has a cultural and Traditions diversity, Indonesia region Also has a high diversity of living things, so by some of the areas of ecology Indonesia called the "Mega biodiversity" or "high diversity of living things. Indonesia is commonly known as Indomalaya or Malesia Based on research that 10 percent of plants, 12 percent of mammals, 16 percent of reptiles, 17 percent birds, 25 percent of the fish in the world live in Indonesia, but widespread Indonesia only 1.3% of the Earth. Wealth of living things in Indonesia has 3th ranks after Brazil and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Komodo from Komodo Island
Cendrawasih Bird From Papua
Orangutan From Sumatra and Kalimantan
Rafflessia From Sumatera, Java, and Kalimantan
Rafflessia From sumatera & kalimantan
coral reefs In Wakatobi, Sulawesi

Indonesian culture and traditions

Indonesian culture and traditions
Reog Ponorogo From Jawa
Indonesia has about 300 ethnic groups, each ethnic has heritage that evolved over the centuries, influenced by Indian culture, Arabic, Chinese, European, and including his own, namely the Malay culture. Examples of traditional Javanese and Balinese dances have a cultural aspect and Hindu mythology, such as Wayang Kulit featuring the stories of Ramayana and Hindu mythological events Baratayuda. Many dance that contains the values ​​of Islam. Some of them can be found in areas such as Sumatra Like Ratéb Meuseukat dance and Seudati dence in Aceh.

Culture Of Fashion In Indonesia

In the field of fashion heritage is known throughout the world of batik. Some areas are known for batik industries including Yogyakarta, Surakarta, Cirebon, Pandeglang, Garut, Tasikmalaya and Pekalongan. The other original dress Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke identifiable characteristics of the subject in every other area Among other brackets with songket clothes in West Sumatra (Minangkabau), ulos from North Sumatra (Batak), kebaya, typical fashion of Dayak in Kalimantan, Baju bodo from South Sulawesi, koteka from Papua and the others.

Architectural culture in Indoneisa

Indonesian architecture reflects the diversity of culture, history, and geography that make up Indonesia completely. The invaders, colonizers, missionaries, merchants, and traders brought cultural changes with an impact on the architectural style and building. influence of foreign architecture is the most powerful is From India. However, Chinese, Arabic, and since the 19th century European influence became quite dominant.

Indonesia characteristic of ancient architecture can still be seen through the traditional houses and / or the royal palaces of each province. Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) is a miniature of Indonesia. TMII is the existing tourist sites in jakarta. TMII display the diversity of Indonesia's architecture. Some typical building of Indonesia such as Tower House, National Monument, and the Faculty of Civil Engineering Building and Planning at the Bandung Institute of Technology.
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